Monday, April 28, 2008

Artist statement

For this we had to create a artwork song or poem about the resilient people and for art we had to post the artis state ment so hers is mine:

This was created for the Resilience CafĂ© of 2008 in Ms. Staff’s class. This piece of artwork is representing that Resilience can overcome sadness and a little more like from the stories of My dad Bryan, and Andrew Young, they both lost a friend and they were able to move on from it, my Dad loosing his friend Garland and Andrew loosing his friend Martin Luther King Jr. It shows the power or resilience well like the font of Resilience being lowercase and Sadness being Uppercase its also showing you only have to be a little resilience to over come a lot of sadness, and The cracks in the ground show that resilience can over come sadness and even more, and though, even though you can feel sad for a little bit you can rise up and be resilient about it. Because if you are you will be able to live the best experience and cracks in the ground are cracks in solid rocks so it shows a lot of power within resilience with that, and for a long time you can’t live the best life you can so to experience the best you can you have to be resilient as this shows like my Dad Bryan and Andrew Young.

Resilience Essay

We had to write an essay on a person that was resilient from the present and the past then connect them. this is my Essay:

Resilience Essay
Have you ever lost someone or something close and dear to you? Because every one has it may not have been a life or some one dear but it has been something that they held dear and close to them even if they weren’t held close for very long. These people have and here are their stories. The story of my Dad, Bryan Murray and a Civil rights movement member, Andrew Young. My dad lost his friend Garland and Andrew Young losing his friend the man himself Martin Luther King Jr.

My dad Bryan is a resilient person because he was once at the beach celebrating and they were all out far in the sea in the deep water. Every one decided to head back to the shore but 3, my Dad Bryan his friend Grant and Garland. Went out further and eventually got stuck in a riptide. They decided it was too strong to swim against and they tried to float towards a jetty. Then the riptide got worse and they got split apart from each other and then they were being sucked farther apart from the shore. They were sucked down and got spread further apart from each other. This is when he lost his friend Garland. My dad was able to get onto the jetty but he knew Garland wasn’t a very strong swimmer like him and Grant. For a while he felt guilty because he was feeling selfish for not trying to help Garland in a way to jump onto the jetty and not help Garland. But eventually he got over it and was able to become a functioning person in the world again.

Andrew Young was born march 12 1932. He is a member of the civil rights movement and a congressman and once a mayor of Atlanta, Georgia. After doing Collage at Dillard University and went to Harvard in 1947. Also while in Marion, Young began to study the writings of Mohandas Gandhi. Young became interested in Gandhi's concept of non-violent resistance as a tactic for social change. He encouraged African-Americans to register to vote in Alabama, and sometimes faced death threats while doing so. Also be became a friend of Martin Luther King Jr. while doing this and He was there when Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated and was probably very sad like a lot of people in the US and was once of the people that was close to him, he was resilient like my dad because he recovered from his death and still went of to have a life that helped pave the path to freedom.

They are related in a way to each other and me because they both have lost a friend that was close to them, and I may not have lost anyone in my family yet but everyone has lost some one or something that was close to them. As I stated in the beginning

The legacy they leave behind is that you can get over a loss, sure u can be sad for a little bit. But you can’t be sad for the rest of your life or you wont have the best experience you can have. If you are sad for the rest of your life then you cant function in the world the best you can.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Short story details

Our assignment was to have the author genra audience for etc. for puublishing purposes so im going to ave one big long post about it:

Author: Jaron Chai

Genre: Fiction

Pages: 5 pages

Mentor texts/media: the TV includng shows with high-tech gadgets like Ben 10 Jimmy neutron etc. they never really came across my mind but i suppose i high tech watch fits in here.

Audience: Class

Writing Procces: I would usually forget one thing or two that i wanted to add into my story and when i get it revised i usually add it in and some times the part i added in doesn't get revised o that happens some times and i didn't have many drafts because I usually write as a brain storm so i don't have it all written out. Also most of time i do it at home and i keep editing the same draft so i dont end up with a lot of drafts.

Publishing process: im problbly going to just get it printed on some nice paper and get a spiral bind and put it in the library in class.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Feature aticle reflection

This is the refletion for our feature article or podcast as i said before i did feature article and here is my reflection:

Scientific concepts: (2 necessary at least)
•15 messages were intercepted tipped off the U.S. about the attack

•Complete surprise to Oahu, Hawaii (the intercepted messages that tipped of the U.S. couldn’t be sent to Hawaii in time)

•2 waves of aircrafts sent to attack

•6 carriers from Japan (274 miles off the coast)

•423 planes total

•Struck Oahu, Hawaii

•2’403 people killed

•1’400 and something people killed (sorry I don’t have the exact number at the moment)
By a 1760 pound bomb

•188 American aircrafts Destroyed

•Crippled a pacific fleet by destroying or damaging 8 battleships

•Japanese lost 27 aircrafts and five submarines

Challenges: (and how we overcame them)

•Computers, Most of the time I wasn’t able to get a computer and it wasn’t really the best I could do but I over came this by if I got a computer I would try not to fool around and borrow computers from the other class if necessary.

Real World Significance: (How this applies to the real world)

•People that write newspapers and need to gather facts and put them together to format them into a newspaper to be published; the journalists and newspaper writers and press workers

There you go Over and out

Thursday, November 1, 2007

My Querencia

A project from the begining of the year was the querencia project where we explain our Qurencia which is a place where we feel safe and powerfull here is a picture of my clip board(what we put pix about it on) over and out

My Feature article

One of the projects which was major was the feature article and podcast project, here is the link to the page where yhou can see it if its working. Good Luck
you may have to copy and paste that. Also we were suposed to havew a reflection about this here is what we r suposede to do (excuse me 4 the short hand talk (4) for (four), for and such):
Project Purpose:
To understand the difference between Cause/Effect Relationships and Correlations. To understand how and why major events in history are connected and intertwined (think yarn activity!). To research a major event from U.S. history in order to understand why it is significant and how it relates to other major events. To understand features of a feature article and podcast and to be able to create a feature article or podcast about your major event in history.

Project Requirements:
To present the 5Ws of your major event to the class. To write/peer edit/revise a feature article or podcast. To have at least three drafts in your Writing Portfolio. To present a polished version of your feature article or podcast on Media Night, as well as posting it online to our Team Featurecast from the Past web page (made by James).

Over out people.