Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Short story details

Our assignment was to have the author genra audience for etc. for puublishing purposes so im going to ave one big long post about it:

Author: Jaron Chai

Genre: Fiction

Pages: 5 pages

Mentor texts/media: the TV includng shows with high-tech gadgets like Ben 10 Jimmy neutron etc. they never really came across my mind but i suppose i high tech watch fits in here.

Audience: Class

Writing Procces: I would usually forget one thing or two that i wanted to add into my story and when i get it revised i usually add it in and some times the part i added in doesn't get revised o that happens some times and i didn't have many drafts because I usually write as a brain storm so i don't have it all written out. Also most of time i do it at home and i keep editing the same draft so i dont end up with a lot of drafts.

Publishing process: im problbly going to just get it printed on some nice paper and get a spiral bind and put it in the library in class.

1 comment:

Cady said...

When it comes to these writing projects that end up in your writing portfolio. Remember to print out your drafts periodically as you revise, so that you can show evidence of your work in your portfolio. What were you most proud about in your final draft of your writing piece? How will you get it out to a larger audience?