Sunday, November 4, 2007

Feature aticle reflection

This is the refletion for our feature article or podcast as i said before i did feature article and here is my reflection:

Scientific concepts: (2 necessary at least)
•15 messages were intercepted tipped off the U.S. about the attack

•Complete surprise to Oahu, Hawaii (the intercepted messages that tipped of the U.S. couldn’t be sent to Hawaii in time)

•2 waves of aircrafts sent to attack

•6 carriers from Japan (274 miles off the coast)

•423 planes total

•Struck Oahu, Hawaii

•2’403 people killed

•1’400 and something people killed (sorry I don’t have the exact number at the moment)
By a 1760 pound bomb

•188 American aircrafts Destroyed

•Crippled a pacific fleet by destroying or damaging 8 battleships

•Japanese lost 27 aircrafts and five submarines

Challenges: (and how we overcame them)

•Computers, Most of the time I wasn’t able to get a computer and it wasn’t really the best I could do but I over came this by if I got a computer I would try not to fool around and borrow computers from the other class if necessary.

Real World Significance: (How this applies to the real world)

•People that write newspapers and need to gather facts and put them together to format them into a newspaper to be published; the journalists and newspaper writers and press workers

There you go Over and out

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