Monday, April 28, 2008

Artist statement

For this we had to create a artwork song or poem about the resilient people and for art we had to post the artis state ment so hers is mine:

This was created for the Resilience CafĂ© of 2008 in Ms. Staff’s class. This piece of artwork is representing that Resilience can overcome sadness and a little more like from the stories of My dad Bryan, and Andrew Young, they both lost a friend and they were able to move on from it, my Dad loosing his friend Garland and Andrew loosing his friend Martin Luther King Jr. It shows the power or resilience well like the font of Resilience being lowercase and Sadness being Uppercase its also showing you only have to be a little resilience to over come a lot of sadness, and The cracks in the ground show that resilience can over come sadness and even more, and though, even though you can feel sad for a little bit you can rise up and be resilient about it. Because if you are you will be able to live the best experience and cracks in the ground are cracks in solid rocks so it shows a lot of power within resilience with that, and for a long time you can’t live the best life you can so to experience the best you can you have to be resilient as this shows like my Dad Bryan and Andrew Young.

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